Petitioning for Readmission

Petitioning for Readmission after Dismissal


Readmission to the University after dismissal is rare and requires exceptional circumstances. Dismissed students should not assume that they will return to the University of California. They are expected to forward with their lives and pursue goals outside the University of California. When a student petitions, there is no formula or checklist that will guarantee readmission. Petitions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In general, petitions may include the following:

  • A detailed explanation of a student’s activities since dismissal.
  • Steps the student has taken to address and change the behavior that led to Dismissal. This must be a sustained effort over a significant period. It may include, but is not limited to, counseling, treatment programs, and life experiences.
  • Letters of recommendation from those who are familiar with the student’s circumstances.
  • Goals that the student has established during their time away.
  • Reasons why a return to the University of California, rather than other colleges/universities, is necessary to obtain those goals.

Simply waiting and taking classes elsewhere is not sufficient to warrant readmission. Petitions will not be accepted at UC Davis for a minimum of three years following dismissal. Other UC campuses may have different standards regarding admission petitions.


  1. A student may e-mail their petition, including the following, to
    • Name
    • Student ID
    • E-mail address
    • Quarter in which they were dismissed
    • Quarter for which they would like to return
  2. The petition will be considered, and a decision will normally be made within 21 business days of submission.
  3. If granted readmission, the student may then submit a readmission form to the Office of the Registrar. Students may not submit their readmission form until after they receive a decision, so they must account for the 21-business-day period to submit a timely readmission form. Visit the Registrar’s website for readmission deadlines and access to the readmission form.


Edited 8/14/2020 by MLA