A Student's Guide to Student Judicial Affairs

Student Support and Judicial Affairs

A Guide for UC Davis Students

Our philosophy
We believe that University students learn from experience as well as from coursework and have the capacity not only for intellectual growth but also for developing character and personal integrity. The Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) works with the UC Davis campus community to preserve academic integrity, promote responsible behavior, and facilitate student learning.

Additional Services
While our department is known for upholding the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct, we also address other forms of misconduct including sexual violence. We also offer assistance for distressed students and students with grievances.

Distressed Students
If you are concerned about the well-being of a fellow student, please contact OSSJA. You will not get the student in trouble; in fact, you’ll be helping your fellow student connect with the services they need. OSSJA works with other campus departments to help distressed students.

Student Grievances
OSSJA offers information and advice to students about their rights and responsibilities, privacy of student records, and university policies and procedures.

Student Leadership Opportunities
tudents play a critical role in maintaining academic integrity on our campus. If you are seeking a valuable leadership opportunity, consider applying to the Campus Judicial Board (CJB). Each year, 12 student board members conduct outreach to fellow students, serve on formal disciplinary hearing panels, and help advise students. Applications for the CJB are available early Winter Quarter on our website.

Preserving Integrity at UC Davis

Under the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct, students, faculty, and the administration all have a role in maintaining an honest, fair, and secure learning environment.

As a UC Davis student, you are responsible for:

  • Knowing what constitutes cheating
  • Being honest at all times and avoiding behavior that might suggest cheating. Even if unintentional, looking around an exam room excessively or having notes on the floor creates an appearance of dishonesty to the instructor and other students.
  • Preventing academic dishonesty by others. For example, cover your answers while taking a quiz or exam, and never give your completed assignments to another student.
  • Reading the class syllabus and directions for exams and assignments. Don’t assume that rules for all classes will be the same -- they may not be.
  • Talking with your instructor if you have questions about course materials or course rules.
  • Reporting cheating if you see it. You can make an anonymous report to your instructor or OSSJA.
  • Safeguarding course materials. You may not post or share an instructor’s course materials without explicit permission of the instructor.

Being honest and fair
Be honest when completing your work. Seeking an unfair advantage reflects poorly on your character and diminishes the value of your degree. There are many reasonssuch as deadlines, grade expectations, family pressures, or a desire to help friendsthat can lead to making poor choices. Seek help instead; visit the Student Academic Success Center, attend class office hours, or drop by Student Health and Counseling Services.

How to avoid academic misconduct:

  • Always cite your sources and don’t copy from the internet or other sources.
  • Keep your eyes on your own paper and don’t talk during exams.
  • Put all notes and materials, including your cell phone, out of sight in a backpack or bag before the exam begins.
  • Plan ahead so that you are not rushing to complete an assignment.
  • Seek help during office hours or from the other campus resources.
  • Don’t let others pressure you to do things that are wrong.

What could lead to a referral to OSSJA?
If an instructor has a reasonable suspicion of academic misconduct, you will be referred to OSSJA. Below are examples of academic misconduct that can result in a referral to OSSJA.

Cheating on exams
During an exam, you could be accused of cheating if you look at others’ exams, copy or share answers, possess unauthorized notes or other materials, or alter an exam and submit it for regrading.

Plagiarism means borrowing and using words, ideas, information, images, etc., from any source without appropriate citations. If you borrow words directly, you must quote and identify your source. If you borrow someone's idea, you must explain this information in your own words and identify your source.

Unauthorized collaboration
While it is okay to study together and help each other learn, you may only work together on graded assignments with the instructor’s approval. Working with other students on a graded assignment without the instructor’s approval is unauthorized collaboration. Avoid this by asking the instructor if you may work with other students.

Receiving or providing unauthorized help on coursework
Students want to help each other, but you can be reported to OSSJA if you offer or receive unauthorized help on graded work. For example, don’t allow someone to edit or fix the grammar of your work.

Intimidation or disruption
Students may not interfere with the teaching environment. This includes pressuring an instructor to change a grade, repeatedly interruption, threatening or invading the personal space of others.

We’re Here to Help

Contact us: 3200 Dutton Hall 530-752-1128 ossja@ucdavis.edu ossja.ucdavis.edu

Please contact us or visit our office if you have:

  • Questions about the correct rules for completing academic work.
  • Questions about how to prevent academic dishonesty by other students.
  • Questions about the student disciplinary process.
  • Questions about the well-being of a fellow student.
  • Suggestions about how to improve our services.

Additional campus services that can help

Student Academic Success Center: success.ucdavis.edu
Small group and individual tutoring assistance with English as a second language and other subjects as well as workshops on study skills and time management.

Student Health and Counseling Services: shcs.ucdavis.edu
Counseling and medical services to help students maintain healthy minds and bodies.

College Dean’s Office
our college dean’s office offers academic and peer advising to help you on your path to graduation.

UC Davis, Division of Student Affairs, Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs, September 2017